Social Media
Social Media Promotion Automatic posting and engagement
Live Showcases
Live Music Showcases
Curating events that foster career growth
Online Events
Online Music Events
Multi Platform cross promotion
Spotlight Posts
Spotlighted Artist Posts
Exposing talented artist
in elegant form
Productions services & more for artists.
The Month's Events
Our Mission
Synclaire Barrett is a dedicated platform for underground music artists, providing for all needs independent artists. Social media promotions, community events, artist features, consultations, and connections to industry professionals. Our goal is to enhance artists' visibility and expand their presence in the underground music scene.

Providing the correct services or finding the correct people to help
any artist thrive in creative journey.
Synclaire Barrett Membership
Designed for artists seeking to grow their presence. Members get Weekly posts to social media, access to our Live music showcases, online event discounts on all our extended services & more.
Artist Spotlight Feature
Each artist featured is given a dedicated post to our social media platofrms showcasing the artist's music, bio and visuals with increased exposer to reach an even wider audience.
Maximum Exposure Package
Providing the maximum amount of exposure possible, including Spotlight features, Page Takeovers as well as Sponsored Social Media Posts. Exposing the artist to a global audience.